Monday, March 7, 2011

Twice blessed!!!!

Two by two they came,
different yet the same . . .

It is with great joy that we announce

the birth of our twins

By the end of this week we are going on a long trip to America,
to a beautiful little world called : Rodanta.
We  are very anxious to meet the little critters of Rodanta and their creator : Barby Anderson


  1. They look very sweet and a little shy :o)

  2. What a perfect little world they will live in with all the sweet mice.

  3. Que trabajo mas precioso,ya tienes una seguidora más,te invito a visitarme.Besos.

  4. Ongelofelijk wat een sweeties, prachtig!
    groetjes Margreet

  5. Oh my goodness Helen! They look SOOOOOOOOO adorable!!! Did you make their wee comfy nest bed? OMG they are priceless!!!!! I am squealing with excitement! I will be staring at this photo all night long....oh are just amazing!!!!!

    Thank you dear Helen,

    Barby and the mice of Rodanta
