You will need : piece of wool for the head, piece of wool for the leg, felting needle, eyes, little piece of skin-coloured felt, eyes ( 4 mm. ) thread ( white) pipe-cleaner, scissors, piece of cardboard
You roll the piece of wool for the head in a egg-shape, one side more pointier.
Poke until it's firm-ish.
Poke the tiny piece of skin-coloured wool on the pointy side ( nose)
Like that :-)
Forgot to mention : super tiny piece of orange wool
Poke it in like this to form the mouth and nose-stripe
Until it looks like this . . . .
Put pins in the head to determine the position of the eyes
Check from all sides if they are symmetrical
Put the thread trough the eye
Stick in the needle in the place where the eye will be and come out with the needle in the back of the head
Pull a bit and knot the string on the back of the head ( you can needle felt a bit of wool over it to hide the knots.
Work the other eye the same way
Cut ears and needle felt a bit of fluff on
Poke the ear on the head
Squeeze it a bit together to make it a bit folded
Work the other ear the same way ( check if they are symmetrical) and I put a bit of blusher in the ear, looks good :-)
Cut a piece of the skin-coloured felt for the leg and cut fingers
Glue the pipe-cleaner on it
And wrap a piece of the white wool, make sure the fingers bend a bit otherwise it looks funny.
You can stop now and wrap the little one in a blankie ( if you don't have eyes you can sew a little stripe for the eyes and it will look as he is asleep )
Get the piece of cardboard and draw a half circle around the head, like this
Cut it out and colour the inside black ( I used a marker) , I left a little white on the right side for the effect but you have to stick the finished mouse on something where the light comes from his right side ( for the proper effect)
You cut the leg so it's as short as this .
Tadaaaa meet Hank !
( by the way, the light comes from the wrong side, the effect is better if it comes from the other side)
So, I hope you all like this and I would say: go go go ! make lots of them !